Friday, February 25, 2011

new picture..and a few stories about how pregnancy makes me dumb.

I haven't posted for awhile, sorry about that. I am now 18 weeks along and 2 weeks away from our sonogram. I can't wait to see the baby!!!!
Random stories about my pregnancy neurosis..
I am no longer allowed to read the pregnancy book because the "cartoons" made me cry. Seriously. The illustrations in the darn week by week pregnancy book that the insurance sent me made me feel like I was too big for 18 weeks. So I cried. A lot.
Anthony took the book away from me..

I also randomly throw the Kleenex box across the room when I feel the urge...and he isn't looking.
I really don't want him to take my Kleenex box away..

1 comment:

  1. Here's some food for thought...Tho hormonal-ness of it all doesn't seem to go away after the baby (even a year after the baby). I cried in my office today and then told someone to get the fuck over themselves. My boss chastised me until she saw why I was saying that...Then she was cool with it. Still....Today was not the day to screw with me.

    The pictures in those books are stupid and wrong. Nobody looks like that diagram. I'm convinced they were drawn by a guy. A guy who has no spacial concept of anything...Including a pregnant belly. He was also functionally retarded and answered to the name "Joe-Bob."
